Saturday, March 14, 2015
Small Dogs vs. Big Dogs, The truth as told by Natasha
We take Niko and Mary Jane on a 'special walk' once a month where we go to this dog/horse trail here. Usually I don't pay much attention to the other dogs we run into, but today I noticed literally every other dog there was a "big dog" and for SOME STUPID REASON I felt a little self conscious over our adorable little pups. I think it's mainly because I have talked to SO many people before that make fun of tiny breed pups (shamefully- I used to be one of them.)
When I was a kid we only had big dogs, I mean; not huge. We had a Red Healer named Honey and she was one of my best friends. When Brandon and I were dating and talking about the possibility of Marriage I told him I refused to have little pups. I am a 'big dog' type of gal, and I wouldn't settle for anything less. About a year into our marriage we decided to go to an adoption fair, I remember telling Brandon "We are not going to get a dog today." As soon as we walked up to the dogs I saw the big dogs and neither of us felt like they were 'our dog' when we saw Niko, a tiny Chihuahua half Terrier we knew he was our pup. So there we were, planning on not getting a dog (let alone, a tiny dog) and we were now headed home with one.
After having Niko bug for a good little while I realized tiny dogs are seriously cool. Surprisingly, I love my tiny Niko just as much as I love Honey. Niko definitely needed a friend, and we found this gorgeous German Shepard at another adoption fair and I LOVED her, we had to stop and honestly think about our already forever friend at home. Niko is GREAT with dogs if he's gotten to know them for a good period of time. He's even BETTER with smaller breeds. My heart broke a little when we realized the German Shepard wasn't the right choice for that moment.
A few months later we found Mary Jane, a runt of the litter Pug, and she's amazing I can't imagine NOT having MJ and Niko bug. They are our pups and we could never replace them.
I get it, big breeds have some enduring qualities. They can be great guard dogs, hunting partners, outdoor pups and adventure dogs. However- Small dogs have their positives as well. Now that I have my two small breeds I am a firm believer that a dog is a dog no matter the shape, or size. A dog will love you unconditionally no matter what.
I hear people all the time that say what I used to "I would NEVER own a small dog." Well, I am here to say: Keep an open heart and mind to all/any dog. Because... You never know what fury friend is just waiting for you to give them a chance to love them forever.
Also, I HATE HATE HATE it when people say "I want a real dog, a small dog is not a real dog." Let me ask, Then what is a small dog? Some mutant alien? SMH.
PS, in no way am I closed off to big dogs either. When we have an actual home we want a big dog, but as for now I am PERFECTLY content with my micro sized doggies.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Spider-Man RE-(re)- BOOT
Why I’m not mad that they are re -(re)-booting Spider-man, yet again.
A lot of people are sick of seeing Spidey’s origins, why am I not annoyed? Because I am a HUGE fan. If you’re a fan of idk.. Money, are you going to get sick of making money? I mean, maybe you will eventually. As for me I will be quite content for a long time if they decide to re-produce Spider-man every 5 years. I am never sick of watching ANYTHING Spider-Man. Sure, I wish they weren't re-making the same story of Spider-Man for the THIRD time, you've probably seen the comment “How many times must Uncle Ben die?!” ha ha well… As many times as it takes to achieve perfection I guess. ;) I wish they’d consider making a Spidey vs. Carnage film, a girl can dream right? I am super excited for this re-re-boot and I hope it’s one of those whole ‘Third times a charm’ thing. I absolutely loved the Andrew Garfield re-makes, but they were a bit cheesy; still I loved watching the movies, same with the Tobey Mcguire films, as I will with these ones I'm sure.
However- if it ends up being the worst adaption of all, I DON'T CARE! I'll most likely go out and buy the blue ray when it comes out and watch it every so often like all the others.
Now- for the most important part, who do I think should play Mary Jane Watson? (My favorite lead lady Spider-Man Character)
They’re looking for a younger/teenaged Spidey to take us back to his highschool days, so I think it’s only fair that they look for a younger actress as well, but either way I'll be happy; as long as they don’t make another Kirsten Dundst mistake.
My number 1 choice:
Chloë Mortez 18: I know, she does't really LOOK like a Mary Jane Watson, but the girl can act. Dye her hair red and I think you're good.
#2 Bella Thorne 17: Okay okay, Bella is not my favorite actress. Actually, everything I've seen her in (Blended, The Duff) I have not liked her acting at all, but maybe it's because she just hasn't found the 'prefect role' yet. Maybe, just maybe MJ is the one! Let's face it, for being 17 she's a major Red Headed BOMBSHELL, lord knows I sure didn't look that good at 17; that's for dang sure.
#3 Odeya Rush 17: Yeah, I don't really know much about her. I saw her on The Giver and I thought she did a pretty good job. I just needed a third gal for the running. So here ya go. ;)
PS. Shailene Woodley has said she'd be game to have a 2nd shot at being MJW, and I'm STILL not mad at that. So many people hate the idea, but I totally have faith she could pull the part off.
It's rumored that Dylan O'Brien, 23 (The Maze Runner)may be Spidey himself, and I think he is adorable. Just PLEASE make Pete NERDY this time. PS can somebody please explain to me how 23 is at all considered being a 'teen'?!
Friday, January 30, 2015
Artsy Fartsy - Twin Time ♀
Sometimes Natalia and I just need twin time, and usually when twin time happens it involves all sorts of fun stuff. Sometimes we watch Anime, talk all night, listen to music or when I really get the photography itch we'll take artsy photos of one another so I can get practice in. It's always the funniest/funnest things ever because even though our photos are full of serious pouts we are most likely dying of laughter the ENTIRE time. Natalia is basically my muse when it comes to photography, and she never complains about my work... She is my biggest fan. So if I'm ever in need of a model that I know wont be eh hem' "a pain in my rear end" I know to go straight to my Turkey. Here's a few shots we got of one another. ♥ Enjoy!
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What can we say? It's the generation of selfies. LIVE. IT. UP. |
(Natalia took my photos, I edited them)
(I took Tals photos, She edited them)
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My Edit. |
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My Edit. |
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Modesty + Me
I respect any opposing view to mine (I know there’s a lot of you) so please know I am not trying to get you to agree with my opinion, or persuade you to think the way I do about this heated debate, but I do ask for a mutual respect.
I will never be the type of woman that changes the way I dress just for a man’s comfort. I believe it’s a man’s responsibility to control his own thoughts, to me it seems men don’t get enough credit, the slime balls shouldn't make us (people) think that all of the male sex cannot control themselves. I do not believe in labels, or generalizing people in any group based on one person’s actions.
With that said, I know men are wired differently and are ‘visual’ beings, but I do not feel showing my shoulders in a tanktop or my legs in a skirt should cause a man to think of me in any sexual way.
I also believe there is a fine line between dressing with class, and dressing for wanted sexual attention. I however- would never slut shame, or ask a woman to change the way she dresses for mine or my husband’s comfort. I trust my husband, and we have talked this topic over many times. I am comfortable with the belief that my husband does not have a desire to check out other women besides his wife, and if he happens to check another woman out; I know he is not doing it on purpose or with the intention to hurt me, and that he is a grown man that can change the course of his thoughts.
When buying my clothes I NEVER set an intention on buying specific styles to cause men to think of me in a sexual way. I buy the clothes I do because I have a passion for the clothing I buy. I don’t look at clothing the way most do. It’s an art form that I love to experience, and experiment with.
This is just how I view this topic, and always have. I do not plan on changing the way I feel about this any time soon. You are welcome to comment, but I will not tolerate comments trying to change my lifestyle, or immature mean comments. Just wanted to vent, and let people know exactly where I stand on this topic. Hope you all understand where I am coming from, because I have given it much thought and know this is the right decision for MY life.
I hope you give yourself time and decide what’s right for your own lifestyle, and I would never imagine trying to talk you out of your decision..."I don't dress for men, boys, women or other girls. I dress for me." - T. Momsen
(I know things are different when it comes to having sons. I plan on teaching my sons to respect a woman no matter what she wears on the outside. Because what truly matters is on the inside. I know, probably easier said than done...)
(I know things are different when it comes to having sons. I plan on teaching my sons to respect a woman no matter what she wears on the outside. Because what truly matters is on the inside. I know, probably easier said than done...)
Friday, January 9, 2015
Yoga pics and such ✧
A lot of these were taken at the beginning of my practice, and it's fun to see how far I've come. I promise to update the poses and take more photos, but it's more fun for me to just do the poses without worrying about the camera.
Beginner Yogi ☾
Lately I cannot help but feel overwhelmingly grateful for Yoga and the importance it is in my life. I remember first starting out and wanting to know how to do all of the cool poses, but after a month or so of Jims class I realized I loved Yoga for the mental aspects. My mind was changing. I was happier, more energetic, apologetic, patient, kind... I was just become a better version of myself!
Recently my life got uber busy with work, family, holidays, cleaning and everything in between. I was uneasy, grouchy, bitter and NOT HAPPY. I needed to take a step back and really dig into my emotions and understand why I was being this way. I thought about it for a quick second before coming to the conclusion that I had not been faithfully practicing Yoga like I had before. Infact, I had not done any sort of yoga for over a MONTH! I know! I could hardly believe it either!
I have picked up my practice and I can tell you already... I am my better me again! It's funny how you'll hear fellow yogis talk about being 'enlightened' and finding your 'true self' I never really understood until going through this mini trial in my life. I have found my true self, and I feel enlightened. Yoga has opened so many mental doors for me. I don't pretend to be perfectly happy, or content ALL the time. I know that's unrealistic. Once you realize these things you can truly be lifted up, and set free from your mental locks.
Right now I am working on opening my Chakras. I am working on my Root Chakra at the moment, and boy- I did not realize how difficult opening just ONE Chakra would be.
For more info on how to open your chakras CLICK HERE, or HERE
Recently my life got uber busy with work, family, holidays, cleaning and everything in between. I was uneasy, grouchy, bitter and NOT HAPPY. I needed to take a step back and really dig into my emotions and understand why I was being this way. I thought about it for a quick second before coming to the conclusion that I had not been faithfully practicing Yoga like I had before. Infact, I had not done any sort of yoga for over a MONTH! I know! I could hardly believe it either!
I have picked up my practice and I can tell you already... I am my better me again! It's funny how you'll hear fellow yogis talk about being 'enlightened' and finding your 'true self' I never really understood until going through this mini trial in my life. I have found my true self, and I feel enlightened. Yoga has opened so many mental doors for me. I don't pretend to be perfectly happy, or content ALL the time. I know that's unrealistic. Once you realize these things you can truly be lifted up, and set free from your mental locks.
Right now I am working on opening my Chakras. I am working on my Root Chakra at the moment, and boy- I did not realize how difficult opening just ONE Chakra would be.
For more info on how to open your chakras CLICK HERE, or HERE
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Plow pose is my absolute FAVORITE pose HANDS DOWN! This was taken at the beginning of my Yoga journey. My does time fly! Namaste. |
Pups and Adoption ☃
Why you should always consider adoption before buying a brand new puppy, and why to not feel bad for getting a brand new puppy.
First off, there's MANY reasons to adopt rather than buy. CLICK HERE for the top 5.A lot of people don't want to adopt a pet because they're worried they will have attitude problems, or wont adjust to their family.
Most the time these animals were paid for as puppys, kittens or babies and are later sent to a shelter for many reasons. I personally believe there is no real excuse to buy a pet just to later discard it.
Now- with that said, there are certain situations I guess that occur where you have no other choice. Fine, just let me ask you to take into consideration before adopting, or buying a pet that you think long and hard about your future and whether or not a pet will be able to follow you into that future.
Brandon and I finally came to the decision that we wanted a furry friend. We decided we wanted to adopt our first pup to save a life.
Yes, a good amount of the animals sent to shelters end up getting euthanized. People don't like to think of the negative outcome when it comes to sending their pup to a shelter. Everyone likes to believe their loved one will get adopted, unfortunately that is not the case.
For more information CLICK HERE
We knew we wanted a dog that seemed lonely, and just waiting to be taken to their new home.
At the PetCo. down the street we heard of an adoption fair going on there. We packed up the car and I remember looking at Brandon and specifically saying "You know we might not get a dog here, so don't get your hopes up." (I think he knew he'd end up with a pup that day ha ha) As soon as we walked up to the caged chihuahuas we saw Niko sitting alone with his head down. As soon as I put my hand on his whispy head to pet him I knew he was the dog for us. We took him on a walk and quickly realized we'd be in for a treat. He was HYPER, and a little crazy. Still, we took him home with us.
Niko- Let's get to know Niko bug now. He has separation anxiety with Brandon He is technically Brandons dog, but I love him so much too. As soon as Brandon walks out the door he sits his bum right in front of that door until B comes home. (Or he'll just sleep) I realized he needed something to keep his anxiety off his mind. That's when we decided to get MaryJane, but right now we are talking about Niko. He is a hyper little guy and know's he has a bark and is not afraid to use it! He loves to play fetch, tug of war and any game that includes socks. He definitely has a sock fetish. He grabs all of our rolled up socks, takes them to a secret hide out and smooths them out on the carpet nice and neat. We like to joke that we'll train him to fold our socks since he loves them so much. He is potty trained and when he receives a treat he knows how to spin, sit and shake.
When it's tub time for Niko he all of a sudden becomes so melancholy, right after being taken out of the tub and dried off is when he's at his most hyper state. It's hilarious to watch! He's a begger BIG TIME anytime there's any type of food in your hands he will put his two front paws on your legs and stretch on them just so you know he's there, he will then proceed to stare with his amazing brown eyes until you can't handle it anymore, and give into his sweet face.
Niko has an old soul. He is only 3, but when I look into his eyes I see a soul 100 years older than that. His soul reminds me of my Grandpa Ernst's. It's so sincere and protective. He is OVER protective when it comes to his MJ, and Brandon. He has a beautiful aura around him and I can see it most when he's fast asleep.
The REAL reason you should consider adoption first is because your new family member is in need of your help, and love more than ever.
I would not have this incredible soul if we had not thought to adopt first.
The first moment we met Niko at PetCo |
With all of that said above. Here's why you should buy a brand new puppy without feeling too bad.
When it came to Niko needing a friend Brandon said this next pup would be mine. I told him the types of dogs I was mainly interested in. We'd look all over the place at adoption fairs, online adoption... I just could not find MY pup. One day Brandon decided to just give in and look on KSL for puppies. We came across MJ's picture. She was the last in her litter and was not selling. One of her sibling scratched her eye. If a dogs eye gets scratched (especially a breed with bulging eyes) you need to take them into a vet ASAP other wise they could get an infection, or worse... Need their eye removed completely. My heart sank and looking at this little puppies face I knew she was my MaryJane that we had been looking for. She had not been taken in for her eye and I just remember hoping and praying that when we got her she would not need eye removal surgery. We got her in and LUCKILY she just had infection. We had to use eye drops 3 times a day for a week. Her poor left eye will forever be scarred and achy due to never being taken in the moment it happened. I know for a fact I saved this little girl pup. I know that if we had not paid for her she would have been sent to a shelter, or worse. That's why I do not feel bad for one bit for buying a brand new puppy.
So why should you not feel bad? Because chances are, had you not gotten your brand new puppy they very well, most likely would have handed up at a shelter sooner or later due to un educated owners who no longer have the time for their *Now adult puppy.
Get to know MaryJane.
MaryJane is my (as colten would say) pugley pug. She is the sweetest little thing. When I very first held her she looked up at me and kissed my face. She is FULL of energy. I think her very favorite activity is pushing poor Niko bugs buttons. She LOVES to play with Niko. So far her potty training has been a breeze. She snores, and snorts and sighs. The cutest thing ever is when she yawns because she makes this little high pitched squeel. It is to DIE FOR! I love everything about my little MJ. I am still trying to decode her soul and aura I think it'll start to show more the older she gets. When she's sleepy she lets me hold her like a little baby and I can't help but feel so overwhelmingly grateful for her in my life.
I used to make fun of people who got really attached to dogs, but I can no longer make fun of them. I guess you never know what it's really like until you have a dog of your very own. I love my pups and I don't care who makes fun of me for it. I know they can never fill the space of a child, but they sure are a good second place winner in my book!
When it came to Niko needing a friend Brandon said this next pup would be mine. I told him the types of dogs I was mainly interested in. We'd look all over the place at adoption fairs, online adoption... I just could not find MY pup. One day Brandon decided to just give in and look on KSL for puppies. We came across MJ's picture. She was the last in her litter and was not selling. One of her sibling scratched her eye. If a dogs eye gets scratched (especially a breed with bulging eyes) you need to take them into a vet ASAP other wise they could get an infection, or worse... Need their eye removed completely. My heart sank and looking at this little puppies face I knew she was my MaryJane that we had been looking for. She had not been taken in for her eye and I just remember hoping and praying that when we got her she would not need eye removal surgery. We got her in and LUCKILY she just had infection. We had to use eye drops 3 times a day for a week. Her poor left eye will forever be scarred and achy due to never being taken in the moment it happened. I know for a fact I saved this little girl pup. I know that if we had not paid for her she would have been sent to a shelter, or worse. That's why I do not feel bad for one bit for buying a brand new puppy.
So why should you not feel bad? Because chances are, had you not gotten your brand new puppy they very well, most likely would have handed up at a shelter sooner or later due to un educated owners who no longer have the time for their *Now adult puppy.
Get to know MaryJane.
MaryJane is my (as colten would say) pugley pug. She is the sweetest little thing. When I very first held her she looked up at me and kissed my face. She is FULL of energy. I think her very favorite activity is pushing poor Niko bugs buttons. She LOVES to play with Niko. So far her potty training has been a breeze. She snores, and snorts and sighs. The cutest thing ever is when she yawns because she makes this little high pitched squeel. It is to DIE FOR! I love everything about my little MJ. I am still trying to decode her soul and aura I think it'll start to show more the older she gets. When she's sleepy she lets me hold her like a little baby and I can't help but feel so overwhelmingly grateful for her in my life.
I used to make fun of people who got really attached to dogs, but I can no longer make fun of them. I guess you never know what it's really like until you have a dog of your very own. I love my pups and I don't care who makes fun of me for it. I know they can never fill the space of a child, but they sure are a good second place winner in my book!
Becoming a Minimalist ॐ
I made a goal in 2013 that I would become a minimalist. Little did I know this goal could easily take years to accomplish rather than just one year. In fact, it's a lifestyle that takes consistency. You can't get rid of a bunch of physical clutter and expect that to be it. I find myself constantly getting rid of more and more junk that we never use, or even need.
Not to mention I'm taking on a bigger part of Minimalism. I want to de-clutter my home, mind, spirituality etc.. It's quite difficult, but so very worth it in the long run.
I've decided to blog about my experiences through Minimalism, and ended up forgetting all about it. So here I am again, Blogging my journey through Minimalism.
Where did I start? By looking up ideas that have worked for other fellow Minimalists. Here are a few links that you too, can check out.
Okay, so now that you now know I am officially a practicing Minimalist I will keep you all updated on what helps, what success I've had, my journey, my minimalist diet, exercise etc..
Not to mention I'm taking on a bigger part of Minimalism. I want to de-clutter my home, mind, spirituality etc.. It's quite difficult, but so very worth it in the long run.
I've decided to blog about my experiences through Minimalism, and ended up forgetting all about it. So here I am again, Blogging my journey through Minimalism.
Where did I start? By looking up ideas that have worked for other fellow Minimalists. Here are a few links that you too, can check out.
Okay, so now that you now know I am officially a practicing Minimalist I will keep you all updated on what helps, what success I've had, my journey, my minimalist diet, exercise etc..
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