Why you should always consider adoption before buying a brand new puppy, and why to not feel bad for getting a brand new puppy.
First off, there's MANY reasons to adopt rather than buy.
CLICK HERE for the top 5.
A lot of people don't want to adopt a pet because they're worried they will have attitude problems, or wont adjust to their family.
Most the time these animals were paid for as puppys, kittens or babies and are later sent to a shelter for many reasons. I personally believe there is no real excuse to buy a pet just to later discard it.
Now- with that said, there are certain situations I guess that occur where you have no other choice. Fine, just let me ask you to take into consideration before adopting, or buying a pet that you think long and hard about your future and whether or not a pet will be able to follow you into that future.
Brandon and I finally came to the decision that we wanted a furry friend. We decided we wanted to adopt our first pup to save a life.
Yes, a good amount of the animals sent to shelters end up getting euthanized. People don't like to think of the negative outcome when it comes to sending their pup to a shelter. Everyone likes to believe their loved one will get adopted, unfortunately that is not the case.
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We knew we wanted a dog that seemed lonely, and just waiting to be taken to their new home.
At the PetCo. down the street we heard of an adoption fair going on there. We packed up the car and I remember looking at Brandon and specifically saying "You know we might not get a dog here, so don't get your hopes up." (I think he knew he'd end up with a pup that day ha ha) As soon as we walked up to the caged chihuahuas we saw Niko sitting alone with his head down. As soon as I put my hand on his whispy head to pet him I knew he was the dog for us. We took him on a walk and quickly realized we'd be in for a treat. He was HYPER, and a little crazy. Still, we took him home with us.
Niko- Let's get to know Niko bug now. He has separation anxiety with Brandon He is technically Brandons dog, but I love him so much too. As soon as Brandon walks out the door he sits his bum right in front of that door until B comes home. (Or he'll just sleep) I realized he needed something to keep his anxiety off his mind. That's when we decided to get MaryJane, but right now we are talking about Niko. He is a hyper little guy and know's he has a bark and is not afraid to use it! He loves to play fetch, tug of war and any game that includes socks. He definitely has a sock fetish. He grabs all of our rolled up socks, takes them to a secret hide out and smooths them out on the carpet nice and neat. We like to joke that we'll train him to fold our socks since he loves them so much. He is potty trained and when he receives a treat he knows how to spin, sit and shake.
When it's tub time for Niko he all of a sudden becomes so melancholy, right after being taken out of the tub and dried off is when he's at his most hyper state. It's hilarious to watch! He's a begger BIG TIME anytime there's any type of food in your hands he will put his two front paws on your legs and stretch on them just so you know he's there, he will then proceed to stare with his amazing brown eyes until you can't handle it anymore, and give into his sweet face.
Niko has an old soul. He is only 3, but when I look into his eyes I see a soul 100 years older than that. His soul reminds me of my Grandpa Ernst's. It's so sincere and protective. He is OVER protective when it comes to his MJ, and Brandon. He has a beautiful aura around him and I can see it most when he's fast asleep.
The REAL reason you should consider adoption first is because your new family member is in need of your help, and love more than ever.
I would not have this incredible soul if we had not thought to adopt first.
The first moment we met Niko at PetCo |
With all of that said above. Here's why you should buy a brand new puppy without feeling too bad.
When it came to Niko needing a friend Brandon said this next pup would be mine. I told him the types of dogs I was mainly interested in. We'd look all over the place at adoption fairs, online adoption... I just could not find MY pup. One day Brandon decided to just give in and look on KSL for puppies. We came across MJ's picture. She was the last in her litter and was not selling. One of her sibling scratched her eye. If a dogs eye gets scratched (especially a breed with bulging eyes) you need to take them into a vet ASAP other wise they could get an infection, or worse... Need their eye removed completely. My heart sank and looking at this little puppies face I knew she was my MaryJane that we had been looking for. She had not been taken in for her eye and I just remember hoping and praying that when we got her she would not need eye removal surgery. We got her in and LUCKILY she just had infection. We had to use eye drops 3 times a day for a week. Her poor left eye will forever be scarred and achy due to never being taken in the moment it happened. I know for a fact I saved this little girl pup. I know that if we had not paid for her she would have been sent to a shelter, or worse. That's why I do not feel bad for one bit for buying a brand new puppy.
So why should you not feel bad? Because chances are, had you not gotten your brand new puppy they very well, most likely would have handed up at a shelter sooner or later due to un educated owners who no longer have the time for their *Now adult puppy.
Get to know MaryJane.
MaryJane is my (as colten would say) pugley pug. She is the sweetest little thing. When I very first held her she looked up at me and kissed my face. She is FULL of energy. I think her very favorite activity is pushing poor Niko bugs buttons. She LOVES to play with Niko. So far her potty training has been a breeze. She snores, and snorts and sighs. The cutest thing ever is when she yawns because she makes this little high pitched squeel. It is to DIE FOR! I love everything about my little MJ. I am still trying to decode her soul and aura I think it'll start to show more the older she gets. When she's sleepy she lets me hold her like a little baby and I can't help but feel so overwhelmingly grateful for her in my life.
I used to make fun of people who got really attached to dogs, but I can no longer make fun of them. I guess you never know what it's really like until you have a dog of your very own. I love my pups and I don't care who makes fun of me for it. I know they can never fill the space of a child, but they sure are a good second place winner in my book!