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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Welcome to Panaca ♥

Panaca Nevada is where my dad grew up, and feels a lot like home to me. I have so many fond memories of the place, but never really document them. Let me take you on a mini tour of the Panaca I know through pictures.

Sleepy kids after a long day of sunny fun. 

I told Brandon that Panaca is the most boring yest fun place you'll ever be. 

You get to relax the entire time you are here, but things can get a little boring, luckily my Grandpa has a game closet full of card games, board games, outdoor games, and babie dolls. I remember this deck of go fish all too well growing up. ;)

The best part is not worrying about a single thing. You can sleep all day if you want and get up at night and still have plenty to do. Panaca is one of my favorite getaways when it comes to truly enjoying company with family, relaxing all you want, and last but not least no worrying about work! 

Cute little birds nest in my grandpas backyard.

Panaca - parade time

The 24th parade (a couple days after the 24th) is the coolest small town parade ever! Expect tractors, trucks, and trailers decorated at home. People have to use their imagination to the fullest to entertain the many people watching on the side lines. The theme this year was 'Cherish the past, Embrace the future.' My grandparents were a very big part of panaca, and the Ernst family float showed just how big a part they were. ♥

Brandon trying to find reception

Showing of henna

Henna sisters

Ready for the parade to start ha ha

Mary go round, you don't see these anymore!

Tires as a part of a playground. Too good.

Chandee and B

Chandee and Aunt Tashy

Mom and Dad ready for the parade

Cute Meg as Grandma

Chandee and baby Elle on the float

Kira on the back

Elle bell and Ry guy watching on the sidelines

Baby Elle, so cute

Panaca - Hike to Cathedral Gorge and caving

Cathedral Gorge is one of the coolest sites! We go through these extremely tight caves, I don't even know if they count as caves. They are more like crawl spaces. If you are claustrophobic then you would die here! Ha ha. We counted about 22 caves you have to literally crawl, squeeze, and squirm through. So much fun!

Fun yoga poses!

Babies getting grouchy after a couple of hours in the tiny caves. 

Cute little wedgie bum

Pudding fuel after a long tiring hike

Ry guy showing off his scrapes

A little bit of yoga here

and a little bit of yoga there
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